The Rise of the Aga Khan Dynasty – Part 1

Aga Khan I – Syed Ḥasan-ʿAlī Shah Aga Khan Maḥallātī (1219-1300/1804-81) was the last imam of the Nizārī Ismaʿilis to reside in Iran and the first to bear the title of Aga Khan. He was born in the vilage of Kahak near Maḥallāt in central Iran, where his father, Shah Khalīlallāh, had transferred the seat…

Das Avatar: The blasphemous Ismaili claim that Ali was the Tenth Incarnation of the Hindu Lord Vishnu

Before any Ismāʿīlī starts dismissing Daś āvatār (daśāvatāra) or دس اوتار , and saying that it is not approved by the Ismāʿīlī Imām, it should be known that Daś āvatār was presented by the first Aga Khan, Ḥasan ‘Alī Shāh himself in the Bombay High Court as evidence of his authority over the Khojas and…

5 Reasons To Leave Ismailism

Besides the social aspect of Ismailism, there is nothing that it seems to offer to its followers – as God, the afterlife, and the religion outside of Imamat are never talked about or mentioned, as in Ismailism spirituality and devotion don’t exist beyond praising and worshipping the Imam. And although social connections help in business,…

Do Ismailis Follow the Quran?

This is a simple comparison between the texts of the Ismāʿīlīs versus text of the Qurʼān. Ismāʿīlīs reading the below can decide for themselves if they feel they are following the Qurʼān. Supplications (Du’ā) More relevant verses from the Qurʼān: Gināns Some other examples of the Imām being stated as, or compared to Allāh ﷻ…